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Mobile MOTs with The English Mobile Mechanics

When you hear of someone needing to spend hundreds of pounds to get their car through its MoT test, it’s easy to overlook that MoTs exist for your protection, providing the only statutory test for safety and environmental legislation.

MOT Testing in Bristol

Its a legal requirement

After all, how often do you get underneath your car and check that the exhaust is still firmly attached and that none of the vital suspension or steering components is worn or loose? It’s best to view the annual MoT test as a sensible opportunity to have your vehicle examined by an expert to ensure that it meets all safety and legal requirements.

Your car needs an MOT if its over 3 years old.

The MoT was introduced in 1959 and initially was only required for cars aged 10 years or older. These days, all vehicles of three years or older need to be taken in for an annual test. Since 1995, the MoT has also included a check of exhaust emissions to ensure that cars are not polluting our air excessively.